CaptchaBot Recognize everything!

According to many post in BHW, captchabot seems to be a good choice, $1 for 1000 decatcha, if some want to try, here are the invite code.

fresh invite keep updating?

CaptchaBot Recognize everything!
Captchabot service is at your service now. Using the system you can automatically recognize graphic images (CAPTCHA) of any complexity.
The system was developed for SE-webmasters in order to facilitate resource promotion automation tasks.
In 2005 we created the project to show that – WE CAN! And really we could. Since 2005 the system has processed several dozens of million images. However having "Just for fun" status the system was not user-friendly at all. Just imagine that in order to make payment one should knock to my ICQ that wasn’t specified anywhere on the website. But people looked for it, found and paid. And now we have several dozens of constant clients. Due to this we began to work on speed […]

See original post by anassiddiqui