new ptc 0.02$ per click ref 100% not lunched yet but post offer refferer
Pre-registration phase
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Earn up to $ 0.02 (2 cents) per click.
Earn up to $ 0.02 (2 cents) for every ad click your referals.
Earn up to 10% of every purchase made here by your direct referals.
offer refferer
1st: $100,00
2nd: $75,00
3rd: $50,00
4th to 10th: $20,00
11th to 15th: $10,00
16th to 20th: $5,00
The minimum payout amount is set at $ 2.00 (two US dolars) for a limited time.
This means that when you reach or go beyond this limit, you can request your earned money.Ammount of time for payment processing:
After you request your payment, you’ll receive it in less than 24 hours.
please post ifnawi in box refferer
See original post by ifnawi