Google Starts Public Policy Blog
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Google has started another official blog (the 53rd, I think), this one dealing with public policy. The new blog is there to reach out on Google’s position in the myriad of divisive issues it involves itself in, like copyright infringement, patent reform, privacy, net neutrality, censorship and many others. It’s a very smart addition, giving Google more of a voice, and brilliantly, it even allows comments, letting Google participate in a two-way discussion.
It’ll be really interesting seeing what topics they speak out on, and how Google will deal with comments that are highly critical of Google’s positions. Good for them for taking this important step.
The full current list of Google blogs:
AdWords API blog, AJAX Search API blog, Blogger Buzz, Blogs of Note, Custom Search Engine blog, Docs & Spreadsheets blog, Google Analytics blog, Google Base blog, Google Checkout API blog, Google Checkout blog, Google […]
Original post by Nathan Weinberg