Vanessa Fox Leaves Google
window.document.getElementById(‘post-3845’).parentNode.className += ‘ adhesive_post’;A popular Google employee, Vanessa Fox, has left the building. Fox, who was a frequent conference speaker and enjoyed a high profile while working on the Webmaster Central team, leaves the Goog for the confines of Zillow, a real estate startup that has been enjoying some healthy buzz. Fox, who was popular among the SEO community, leaves Google with one less voice towards its most vocal constituency, and she will be missed.
Question: Why are SEOs so much more vocal than all the other people who have to work with/against Google? Even AdWords advertisers, AdSense publishers and mashup developers don’t push for as many answers from Google and create mini-celebrities out of Google conference speakers. If everyone was like the SEO community, Joel Webber would have legions of fans, or something.
Original post by Nathan Weinberg