A better way to advertising your site to ensure you get the maximum CTR

window.document.getElementById(‘post-3845’).parentNode.className += ‘ adhesive_post’;Hello everyone,
www.WebsiteRibbon.com is my site that was originally intended to create a cute addition to people’s site for free.
However, as Matt Margolis recently pointed out, trying the ribbons in his blog mattmargolis.com/blog/ made the clickthrough rate for the amazon affiliate product soar to heights it never reached.
So, I thought I would just introduce the tool officially to DP members in this forum. It is totally free. No ads. Just try it out, I am sure you would be impressed.
Comments welcome.
Have a great day,
Stanley Lyndon
P.S.: For best results, place the ribbon code on the header of the site where you are advertising so that it will be displayed through the entire site thus maximizing the CTR.

Original post by Stanley Lyndon