Online Property Management Software
Have you ever been to Phoenix, Arizona? Back in the 1990s the story was that Phoenix was overbuilt — housing was cheap. Then in 2000, they thought the real estate market had peaked, but the market kept on going stong through 2006. What all this means is that the Phoenix area continues to expand. In fact developers predict that 50 years from now, the city will stretch from Phoenix, through Tuscon, to the Mexican border — one big vast city. So you can imagine that there are lots of property management jobs in Arizona. In fact property management companies are growing in leaps and bounds and are always looking for ways to streamline their operations — and that is where Property Management Software comes into play. has built a complete online software solution for property managers and landlords, a solution that assists them in managing their properties. Managers can sign up for a free trial or buy the landlord edition, the property manager edition or the association edition. They do not have to install software. The package is online, with automatic backups and updates, and online access for managers, residents and owners. The low monthly fees are based on the number of units you have and includes free technical support.