Need Some Publisher Direction
I’m looking to run sponsored search ads on my search engine
I am not looking for the regular ads via a publisher account. I’m looking for the sponsored search ads that appear above search engine results for selected publishers….
I will concider MSN, Google, or Yahoo! ad networks….
I have alot of work ahead of me on this engine, but one of the most important things right now is getting it to earn some real click revenue and I am hoping to be able to work with one of the leaders on this….
Does anyone know any contacts or phone numbers of people that can help me get started with this….
I especially do not want to use any of the secondary networks like searchfeed, Genie Knows, Kanoodle, or any of the like….
I need to work with one of the serious providers…… Any help would be much appreciated as this has been something I […]
Original post by clasione