Yahoo Releases Good Earnings, Bad Guidance, Market Seems Mostly Happy

Yahoo reported fourth quarter earnings this week, announcing an increase in revenues to $1.7 billion, up 13% from $1.5 billion a year earlier. They also announced net income of $269 million, or 19 cents a share, a huge 61% drop from the $683 million (or 46 cents/share) the year before. For all of 2006, revenue was up 22% to $6.43 billion, while net income was down to $751 million from $1.9 billion a year prior.
While the numbers themselves aren’t pretty, as any company that earned less money this year than the year before is having difficulties. the announcement was still considered a plus, seeing as analysts were expecting them to do worse. In fact, the 19 cents a share was a decent amount higher than the predicted 13 cents a share. There’s a lot of discussion about this at TechMeme.
The biggest problem is going to be […]

Original post by Nathan Weinberg