Google Closing Deal For Free Real-Time Stock Quotes

The Google Blog announces that NetCoalition’s efforts to free up stock quotes are close to succeeding. For now, stock quotes online are a messy business, with most websites haveing quotes that are time-delayed (usually 15-20 minutes), or require registration or fees for real-time stock values. It’s ridiculous that the stock exchanges wouldn’t be making it ridiculously easy for people to buy and sell stocks with proper information (their bread and butter) in the name of considerably smaller stock quote fees.
As a result, we’ve worked with the SEC, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and our D.C. trade association, NetCoalition, to find a way to bring stock data to Google users in a way that benefits users and is practical for all parties. We have encouraged the SEC to ensure that this data can be made available to our users at fair and reasonable rates, and applaud their […]

Original post by Nathan Weinberg