Google Notebook Search Exposes Morons

Google Notebook has a new search feature, and it is exposing the fact that on the internet, some people are just morons. By default, everything in Notebook is set to private, and you have to specifically turn on the feature that makes your Notebook public and exposes your information to others. So, my question is, why they hell would a person put in their social security number and other personal information, and then click to make it public?
I don’t know, but some Diggers had fun ferreting out the idiots. Surprisingly, Google very quickly removed those Notebooks. I’m not surprised that Google did it, although it is rare that they correct for the lack of intelligence of some of their users, but I am surprised that Google did it so quickly. Digg as tech support? Crazier things have happened.
(via TechCrunch)

Original post by Nathan Weinberg