Google Running Very Different Animated Homepage In Korea

window.document.getElementById(‘post-3845’).parentNode.className += ‘ adhesive_post’;Google Korea launched a homepage that is different from every other Google homepage in several respects, featuring icons that change on mouseover. Above the search box, tabs are joined by simple icons that glow on mouseover, and below it are links with colored dots that pop up into icons (for Gmail, Talk, Calendar, Notebook, Toolbar, Desktop and Picasa) on mouseover. Take a look at Barry’s screenshot, from SEW:

Here is the animation file for the popping icons:

I’m no web programmer, so I’d like to know how a file like that becomes seven seperate animations. Anyone want to explain?
Anyway, Google says it launched this page in order to compete better in a market it wasn’t doing so well in, acknowledging that its typical spartan* design doesn’t work with all cultures. Some places would rather you just jazzed it up a little.
* – Hmm… A […]

Original post by Nathan Weinberg