Free Hugs, The Second Life Version

This is NOT NOT NOT safe for work, got it?
Opie and Anthony pointed me to this video. Hoo boy did I laugh. The video features the Second Life version of the Free Hugs video, and in perfectly accurate Second Life style, it features a giant floppy penis:

If you never saw the Free Hugs thing, check it out:

I like anything making fun of the Free Hugs thing, because I hated the whole stupid Free Hugs video the second I first saw it. Such a pretentious video, like “Oh, we changed the world, we’re going to make everyone happy”. Blech! With the 15 million views that video got, it could have promoted a charity, promoted helping people who need more than just a hug, but food and medicine, something real.
No, it promoted an album. Hooray. I hope it sold well.

Original post by Nathan Weinberg