Ask’s New Commercial Revealed

Ask, which has been pushing hard already with an ad campaign featuring strange cryptic billboards, has come out with a new TV commercial designed to promote its new Ask 3D interface. Take a look:

Definitely not crazy about it. The first shot, with the legs, sets a bad tone that seems to overemphasize the “chicks” over the “swords”, making it quite the misogynistic commercial. The ad is not going to play well with women and normal men, who will look at the ad as more exploitative than anything else, and not exploitative in a funny way (like maybe a Russ Meyer-inspired ad could have been).
The ad should have either played off the guy as a real creep (which still would have sent a bad message about Ask’s users), emphasized the guy as having a sword fetish (as opposed to focusing on the women), or had the guy get […]

Original post by Nathan Weinberg