Yahoo’s 20 Most Misspelled Words

window.document.getElementById(‘post-3845’).parentNode.className += ‘ adhesive_post’;Yahoo recently published the twenty most commonly misspelled words on their search engine. They are:

Wallmart (Wal-Mart)
Rachel Ray (Rachael Ray)
Amtrack (Amtrak)
Hillary Duff (Hilary Duff)
Katherine McPhee (Katharine McPhee)
Britany Spears (Britney Spears)
Geneology (Genealogy)
Jaime Pressley (Jaime Pressly)
Volkswagon (Volkswagen)
Wikepedia (Wikipedia)
William Sonoma (Williams-Sonoma)
Tatoo (Tattoo)
Travelosity (Travelocity)
Elliot Yamin (Elliott Yamin)
Kiera Knightley (Keira Knightley)
Kelly Pickler (Kellie Pickler)
Brittney Spears (Britney Spears)
Avril Lavinge (Avril Lavigne)
Rianna (Rihanna)
Jordan Sparks (Jordin Sparks)

With rare exceptions (Wikipedia being an obvious one), this list is a sad proof that for the most part, the people who are fans of the people on this list are oftentimes uneducated dopes. I already suspected that, but it’s nice to have some almost proof.
(via Donna)

Original post by Nathan Weinberg