Dalster Ad Network
I would like to mention Dalster Ad Network is now fully functional.
I would like to offer new accounts a $5.00 bonus to try out the network.(First 100 signups)
The bonus serves 3 purposes.
1) One to get the site moving.
2) Advertisers will have a few dollars to try the network.
3) Publishers have the benefit of receiving these bonuses through selling some ad space. As an extra bonus we will add $5.00 to any publishers first payout.
A few details about us:
We have a 80% Publisher payout percentage.
We offer text ads, banner ads, and photo text ads.
We make payouts bi-weekly on the 1st and 15th of each month.
(payments are made whether its a holiday or a weekend)
We will have Live Customer Support (Mon – Fri)
All funds are in U.S. dollars.
At the present moment we accept for payments PayPal for advertisers.
Publishers have a choice of being paid via PayPal or Check.
Hope you enjoy our […]
Original post by dalster44