Every now and then, the language needs to scrap some words and replace them with better words — words like “Google delay” and “schteal.” These and other better words follow.Comment Original post by Valleywag

Jimmy Wales, founder of online encyclopedia Wikipedia, is planning to build an online commercial search engine that would compete with Google and Yahoo, Informationweek.com wrote.Comment Original post by Iran Daily

Google , the Internet search engine company, has won a dismissal of a lawsuit filed by a Wisconsin company over four patents covering database search technology.Comment Original post by New York Times

Filed in archive SEO by noel on December 27, 2006 Every webmaster wanted their website to be popular.Comment Original post by The Search Engine Weblog

“Social change has accelerated beyond the original Wikipedia concept of six years ago,” Wales wrote on the Wikia Web site.Comment Original post by Newsfactor.com

Microsoft Corp. has started linking users’ search habits with other personal information as it prepares to show more personalized advertisements.Comment Original post by The Associated Press on Topix.net

The founder of Wikipedia, the user-edited online encyclopedia, is developing a Wiki-based search engine to compete with established commercial search engines from Google and Yahoo.Comment Original post by PC World