TBC Fast Package(1-70) – Any Class Free 2000G
Wow level50-60,30g per level level60-70,150g per level.
Dear Sir or Madam
Hot Sale!For all of our customers,the news and olds,www.game-powers.com are some Special Package!
We now provide Powerleveling measured by time(Non-stoporPart-time).we insure that we supply power level service 24hrs/7days by realman,never use bots. During level50-60, you will get 30g per level; During level60-70, you will get 150g per level.but bots couldn’t do that.we insure that we can’t sell your golds.of course ,we can supply part-time to level your char or farm the golds .farm the golds:0.8$per hour,
TBC Normal Package(1-60) – Any Class 1. First Aid to 300
2. 40 Lvl Mount
3. Class quests
4. Free 400 Gold
5. Flight paths uncovered Price:$129.99 Time:13Days
Gold TBC Package(60-70) – Any Class
1. First Aid to 375
2. Free 1500G
3. Class quests
4. Flight paths uncovered
5. Level your original professions to 300-375 Price:$99.99 Time:10Days
www.game-powers.com is the biggest global Company that provide the powerleveling service :More than 1000 employees,for you […]
Original post by mygamepowers