John McCain Succeeding With Google AdWords

ZDNet has a (difficult to follow) blog post in which Rebecca Donatelli at the Google-sponsored Personal Democracy Forum two weeks ago laid out the stats on John McCain’s paid search Google AdWords campaigns. Turns out McCain, a major Republican Presidential hopeful for 2008, is raking it in by catching the eye of potential donators through AdWords ads alongside Google search results. For every one dollar spent on Google ads, McCain is averaging four dollars in donations.
Now that’s some great results! I wonder how the other candidates are doing with Google ads, and if any of them are running backwards, internet-stupid campaigns devoid of search advertising. McCain obviously sees what can be accomplished through Google, though he may have gotten a personal lesson when he gave his talk at Google last month. In fact, maybe Google is inviting all these presidential candidates to speak at the […]

Original post by Nathan Weinberg