New International PPC Program Looking For Publishers was established on May 1, 2007. We’re looking for publishers that have quality traffic. We accept international traffic and pay the minimum of:
3.5 cents per VALID CLICK from the United States.
3 cents per VALID CLICK from United Kingdom.
2 cents per VALID CLICK from Canada.
1.5 cents per VALID CLICK from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
0.1 cents per VALID CLICK from all other countries.
Promoters will be paid daily and xml partners will be paid weekly.
We currently pay via e-gold and will accept paypal and moneybookers within 2 weeks.
You can signup at and please remember to send us valid searches and clicks.
Thanks for your support!

Original post by dodoseek