My New Job: Cable TV Repairman

If you’ve been paying attention the last few days, you might have noticed an uncharacteristically* low number of posts on all my blogs. The reason: I have embarked on a new career as a cable television repairman.
See, my wife and I moved into a new apartment last Friday (it’s lovely, by the way), and with that came the peril of getting cable installed so I could keep blogging without interruption. The cable guy was coming Tuesday, which I figured wasn’t all that bad, I’d only miss one full day of meaningful blogging (nothing ever really happens on the weekend), so I moved fully okay with the situation.
Now, the previous tenants had cable internet, too, and I owned my equipment, so I went and hooked it up on Friday, just to see what happened. The phone rep I ordered the service from told me they had […]

Original post by Nathan Weinberg